Experience our dinner shows, theme evenings & concerts
At Rabenstein Castle, we offer gastronomic experiences of a particularly entertaining and tasty variety on numerous dates throughout the year. From a four-course meal in our State Hall, accompanied by mystery shows that tempt you to join in the crime-puzzles, or magical performances at Dinner-Meets-Magic, to our classics, the wild boar barbecue buffet and the popular whisky dinner, there is an event to suit every taste.
Please note that the dinner shows are performed in German language.
Another highlight are our castle concerts in the ceremonial hall of Rabenstein Castle and our cave concerts in the unique atmosphere of the Sophie's Cave.
Take your time to browse through all our events and book your tickets directly and easily online.
Are you looking for a present? We are happy to offer vouchers for this, very easy and flexible to use.

28.11.2024 18:00Wildschwein-Grillbuffet in den Rittersälen:
- Frisches Holzofenbrot mit Kräuterbutter und Griebenschmalz
- Bunte Salatauswahl vom Buffet
- Kartoffellauchcremesuppe
- Wildschwein vom Spieß mit Schwarzbiersoße, Kartoffelklößen und bayerisch Kraut
- Diverse Nachspeisen
Im Anschluss an das üppige Essen laden wir Sie ein, den Abend in unserem gemütlichen Kaminzimmer ausklingen zu lassen.